Primavera de los Realizadores

Posted on September 22nd
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The final project for my MMP 240 class is to create a website for a show-conference type event. Because I like to apply what I do in class to real life projects, I automatically thought of the project the Colectivo Piloto wants to organize in Spring: “La Primavera de los Realizadores“.

The first assignment, due this week, consist of creating the sitemap. This web site should be pretty simple.


But the most interesting part of this project is that our professor wants us to design “mobile first”. In fact, I am already familiar with this concept: since Boostrap 3 came out in 2013 I have been coding my CSS from a mobile first approach: starting small, scaling up if necessary. What I have never done, is starting my wireframes and mockups from a mobile first perspective.

Actually, another part of the homework for this week is to sketch the mobile wireframe on a piece of paper. Usually I use cacoo for all my wireframes and start them from a desktop screen size point of view. Thus, this exercise was the most challenging to me.


In fact, I am not really convinced by the results and think I work more efficiently with cacoo.


I am more happy however with my “style tiles”, the other assignment for this week. We are due to come up with two possible versions and here they are:

I never did this before, and think it considerably help in getting a graphic starting point.

So that’s about it for this week. More to come soon about this new project. Keep in touch.

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